Vita Minds NHS Counselling therapies

If you are over 16 years of age and live in Leicestershire we can support you by providing the tools you need to get life back on track.

Are you experiencing :

Excessive Worry

Low Mood



A lack of Motivation

Vita Minds is your NHS talking therapies service who can give yo access to Psychological Therapies. It is free and confidential. We provide a range of evidence based talking therapies and new ways of coping to help you better manage your mood.

All of our therapies can be provided via secure video, text based therapy, webinar, phone or face to face (one to one or group)

Accessing VitaMinds

You can self refer by:

Telephoning 0330 094 5595 Monday - Friday  08.00am - 20.00pm   & Saturday 09.00am - 12.30pm

or accessing our website at

This service is part of the national Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme.

Please note that if you are suffering with ongoing suicidal feelings and attempts, self-harm or a major mental health conditions, a psychiatric referral must be sought instead via your GP. Also, where there is substance/alcohol abuse or problems with violence, other support services should be access.  Anyone currently receiving psychiatric care should continue with their agreed care programme and discuss the option of referral to Let's Talk-Wellbeing.

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